
The Physics BS major should be pursued if students intend to continue toward the PhD in Physics.

A detailed brochure on the major is available from the Undergraduate Office, 1-707A Physics and Astronomy Building.

Learning Outcomes

Ability to apply knowledge of classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and thermal physics to understand and analyze a broad variety of physical phenomena
Application and improvement of proficiency in mathematics skills in calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra
Ability to understand and analyze physical phenomena in one or more specialized areas of physics of choice, which facilitates subsequent research
Ability to make accurate and precise physical measurements using modern laboratory instruments and computerized data acquisition
Ability to critically analyze and interpret data in order to draw valid scientific conclusions
Ability to present clear written and oral accounts of scientific results
Scientific, mathematics, computing, and laboratory skills that enable pursuit of career objectives in graduate or professional schools, in a teaching career, or in a scientific career in government or industry


Preparation for the Major
Transfer Students
The Major
The Major Policies
Honors Program