Study abroad and student exchange are exciting and broadening experiences that enrich any educational curriculum. The International Education Office (IEO) works to facilitate international education by serving as the campuswide portal for the development and administration of study abroad and student exchange activity. It supplies assistance to academic units seeking to develop study abroad programs, and it collaborates with the Academic Senate and departments to ensure academic oversight of study abroad programs. The IEO also coordinates student advising services for undergraduate and graduate students interested in studying abroad.

The IEO administers several programs, including the UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP), Summer Travel Study, Non-UC Programs, and various student exchange agreements.

Education Abroad Program

The UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP) offers short- and long-term study programs in cooperation with over 115 host universities and colleges in more than 42 countries throughout the world. Participating students remain registered at their home campuses while studying abroad and receive full academic credit for their work. With careful planning, study abroad should not delay progress toward graduation. While on EAP, students are eligible for financial aid.

Summer Travel Study

Summer Travel Study offers short-term summer programs on five continents. Summer Travel Study programs offer UC credit, the promise of an exciting summertime adventure, and intensive learning experiences taught by distinguished UCLA faculty members. Over 17 academic departments offer Summer Travel Study programs that include from 8 to 16 quarter units of UC credit. Financial aid is available for qualified UC students. Registration begins in November for the following summer on a first-come, first-served basis. Summer Travel Study is open to all students at any academic level. There is no grade-point average requirement to participate.

Non-UC Programs

Students may also study abroad through other universities and programs not affiliated with UCLA. The IEO strongly recommends that all students considering non-UC programs contact the IEO early in the planning process about UCLA policies on planned academic leave (PAL), transfer credit, financial support, and more. UC financial aid is not available for study abroad on non-UC programs.