With over 84,000 adult student enrollments each year, UCLA Extension is one of the largest university continuing education programs in the world. It is designed to bring the benefits of UCLA—its scholars, research, and resources—to the community and the state as a whole.
Many of the 5,500 UCLA Extension classes are innovative and experimental in content, format, and teaching methods. Credit and noncredit courses are offered in nearly every academic discipline, in many interdisciplinary areas, and in emerging fields.
In addition, Extension offers special programs each term on topical issues as well as those of ongoing public concern. Many noncredit Extension courses offer the opportunity to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs), widely used for relicensure and other professional/career-related purposes.
Although registering for Extension courses does not constitute admission to UCLA, degree credit earned through Extension may apply toward the UCLA bachelor’s or master’s degree; consult a College or school counselor or graduate adviser before enrolling. For more information, refer to UCLA Extension under Transfer Credit in Academic Policies.