Students physical and mental health are priorities at UCLA. Multiple services, from clinics to specialists and medical retail, are available.

Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center

The Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center in Westwood Plaza is a full-service medical clinic available to all registered UCLA students. Most services are subsidized by registration fees, and a current BruinCard is required for service. Its clinical staff of physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses is board certified. It offers primary care, specialty clinics, and physical therapy. The center has its own laboratory and radiology sections. It operates the Bruin Health Pharmacy and U See LA Optometry in nearby Ackerman Union. Visits, core laboratory tests, X-rays, and preventive immunizations are all prepaid for students with the University of California Student Health Insurance Plan (UCSHIP).

The cost of services received outside the Ashe Center, such as emergency room services, is each student’s financial responsibility. Students are required to purchase medical insurance either through the UCLA-sponsored UCSHIP or other plans that provide adequate coverage. Adequate medical insurance is a condition of registration. See Registration in Undergraduate Study and Graduate Study.

Contact the Ashe Center for specific information on its primary care, women’s health, immunization, health clearance, optometry, travel medicine, and mind-body clinics, as well as dental care available to students at discounted rates. For emergency care when the Ashe Center is closed, students may obtain treatment at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center emergency room on a fee-for-service basis.

Mental Health Services

Services for mental health range from routine counseling and psychotherapy to crisis counseling.

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers short-term personal counseling and psychotherapy in 221 Wooden Center West, 310-825-0768.

Psychologists, clinical social workers, and psychiatrists assist with situational stresses and emotional problems from the most mild to severe. These may include problems with interpersonal relationships, academic stress, loneliness, difficult decisions, sexual issues, anxiety, depression, or other concerns affecting the personal growth of students.

In addition, Campus Assault Resources and Education (CARE) counselors—individuals who provide information, support, and resources for members of the UCLA community who have been raped, sexually assaulted, stalked, or involved in a dating or domestic violence incident—can discuss options and alternatives, help identify and assist in contacting the most appropriate support services, and answer any questions that may arise.

Service is confidential and available to regularly enrolled students. Students are seen individually by appointment or may choose from a number of groups offered each term. Emergency and walk-in counseling is also available.