From academic advising to advanced computer support, UCLA study services give students the tools they need to achieve academic success.

Academic Counseling

Many sources of academic counseling are available. Faculty advisers and counselors in the College and each school help students with major selection, program planning, academic difficulties, degree requirements, and petitions.

Advisers in each department counsel undergraduates concerning majors offered and their requirements, and possible career and graduate school options (see each school and department). In addition, graduate advisers are available in each department to assist prospective and currently enrolled graduate students.

Computer Laboratories

Student computer laboratories are supported through the Campus Library Instructional Computing Commons (CLICC), a collaborative effort of the Humanities Technology, Social Sciences Computing, Teaching and Learning Center, and Powell Library. Some 15 computer laboratories are available throughout the campus, each with computers, peripherals, software, and services that cater to specific areas of study. See the departments listed above or Information Technology Services IT resources for more information.

Course Readers

ASUCLA Course Reader Solutions supplies custom course readers for faculty in both print and e-book formats, obtaining copyright authorizations each year. The office is located in the Textbooks department on the A level of Ackerman Union.

Course Websites

The Instructional Enhancement Initiative (IEI) assures that all UCLA undergraduate nontutorial courses offer an individual course website for faculty members, teaching assistants, and enrolled students. The sites facilitate the distribution of supplementary course materials, lecture notes, homework assignments, research links, and electronic communication, including virtual office hours and class bulletin boards for interactive question-and-answer sessions. Instructors decide which of these online capabilities are best suited to their course websites. Many course websites are available through Bruin Learn.

Disabilities and Computing Program

The Disabilities and Computing Program (DCP) supplies adaptive technology and information-access support and services to students, faculty, and staff with disabilities. Applications include voice input, Braille, large print, screen-reading software, and learning disability software. Consulting and training for individuals and departments are available. The program also offers Web accessibility evaluations and guidelines.


UCLA IT Services is the campus Internet service provider for UCLA students, faculty, and staff; and a vehicle for accessing campus network communication services. Bruin OnLine services include access to the campus backbone network and the Internet, e-mail accounts, Google Apps for UCLA, Box, and personal web hosting. Limited wireless Internet access is available on campus to anyone with a wireless enabled laptop or mobile device. Utility software can be downloaded from the IT Support Services website. Help desk services are available.


MyUCLA is the easiest way for students to gain real-time access to their academic, financial, and personal records. The site is designed with an intuitive visual interface to walk students through procedural steps. MyUCLA offers a large number of services.

Students use the Class Planner to create plans prior to enrollment and are able to share these plans with counselors. MyUCLA also allows students to check enrollment appointments; view real-time enrollment counts; find classes and enroll; exchange or drop classes; change units and grade type; and view their study list, which includes information on class meeting times, final examinations, classmates, gradebook, textbooks, and class websites.

MyUCLA is used to declare candidacy and nonattendance, view Degree Audits, order transcripts and diplomas, change address information, view term grades and calculate grade-point average, find information on holds, order commencement tickets, access BruinBill and tax information, view financial aid awards and notices, and access UCLA Google
e-mail accounts. The MyUCLA Message Center contains a database of answers and allows students to correspond with campus departments. MyUCLA also links to important communications regarding registration and UCLA policies.

Other features include notifications; voting in student association elections; personal calendar and event reservations; and links to UCLA online resources.

Students can access MyUCLA from Sunday noon through Tuesday 1 a.m., and Tuesday through Saturday from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. the next day, including holidays. MyUCLA Features contains a full list of features.