Class Enrollment

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New students should see an academic counselor before enrolling in classes (counseling is required in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science). Counselors help new students select courses and formulate a schedule tailored to their academic interests or degree objectives.

New student orientation takes new students through a step-by-step process designed to ensure that they enroll in an effective program.


Students enroll in classes through MyUCLA during assigned times—called enrollment appointments—when they are allowed to enroll. The Class Planner feature allows students to create class plans prior to enrollment, share plans with counselors, and quickly add classes during their enrollment appointment. Students use the Find a Class and Enroll feature to search the Schedule of Classes and add available classes to their class plan or study list.

MyUCLA is also used to view enrollment appointments; drop classes; change grade type and number of units; exchange classes; and view the study list, which includes information on class meeting times, final examinations, classmates, grades, textbooks, and class websites. For more information, see Registrar’s study list and enrollment policies web pages.

For classes that require written approval or specialized processing, students may inquire about processing steps through MyUCLA Message Center.

Study List

A study list is the record of courses in which a student is enrolled for the term. At 11:59 p.m. on Friday of the second week of instruction the study list of enrolled courses becomes official, and all wait lists are eliminated. Students should verify their study list through MyUCLA after each enrollment transaction. Students are responsible for all courses and the grading basis as listed on MyUCLA, and cannot receive credit for courses not listed.

After Friday of the second week, most changes to the official study list can be made through MyUCLA. In some cases, a fee may apply. Some changes require an Enrollment Petition along with approval signatures.

See the Registrar’s study list web page for deadlines and complete instructions.

Errors or omissions should be corrected before the College or school deadlines for changes by petition. Unapproved withdrawal from or neglect of a course entered on the study list results in a failing grade.

Wait List

Some departments establish wait lists for classes that are full. If a student in the class drops, the seat is filled by a student on the wait list. Students can check enrollment status through MyUCLA. Position on a wait list does not indicate enrollment. Students on a wait list should not assume they will be added to a class.

Wait lists are maintained through Friday of the second week of instruction unless a department deletes them earlier.

Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent enrollment—defined as taking courses during regular sessions for credit at UCLA and, at the same time, at a non-UC institution, including UCLA Extension—is not permitted except in extraordinary circumstances; and no credit is given for such courses unless the approval of the UCLA College or school has been obtained by petition prior to enrollment.

Immunization Requirements

UCLA requires that all incoming students be vaccinated against or show immunity to multiple infectious diseases consistent with guidelines of the American College Health Association, California Department of Public Health, and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These requirements help protect the health of students and the entire campus community. Students submit their immunization history to the Ashe secure patient portal. See immunization requirements for more information.