Intersegmental Cross-Enrollment Program

Undergraduate students enrolled in any campus of the California community colleges, the California State University, or the University of California may enroll without formal admission in a maximum of one course per academic term at a campus of either of the other systems at the discretion of the appropriate campus authorities on both campuses on a space-available basis per the California Education Code sections 66755 and 66756 (amended by California Senate Bill 361 passed in 1999). Enrollment in pre-college courses is excluded.


UCLA students qualify for intersegmental cross-enrollment if they meet all the following requirements:

  1. Complete at least one term at UCLA as a matriculated student
  2. Enroll for a minimum of 6 units for the current term
  3. Earn a grade-point average of 2.0 (C) for work completed
  4. Pay appropriate tuition and fees at UCLA for the current term
  5. Complete appropriate academic preparation as determined by the host campus
  6. Have California resident status

Obtain a concurrent enrollment application from the College or school. An administration fee is charged for each academic term such enrollment is requested.

Intercampus Visitor Program

Undergraduate students enrolled at one campus of the University of California may have the opportunity to attend another UC campus for one quarter or semester on the Intercampus Visitor Program. Students should observe the application deadlines. Applications are reviewed by a student’s College or school.

School of the Arts and Architecture
Office of Student Services, 2200 Broad Art Center
School of Education and Information Studies
Office of Student Services, 1002 Moore Hall
Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science
Office of Academic and Student Affairs, 6246 Boelter Hall
College of Letters and Science
Center for Academic Advising in the College, A316 Murphy Hall
Herb Alpert School of Music
Office of Student Affairs, 1642 Schoenberg Music Building
School of Nursing
Student Affairs Office, 2-147 Factor Building
Meyer and Renee Luskin School of Public Affairs
Student Services Office, 3250 Public Affairs Building
Jonathan and Karin Fielding School of Public Health
Undergraduate Studies, 16-059 Center for Health Sciences
School of Theater, Film, and Television
Student Services Office, 103 East Melnitz Building

Simultaneous UC Enrollment

Undergraduate students may enroll simultaneously in courses offered by another UC campus. Eligible students must be registered (fees paid), in good standing, and enrolled in at least 12 units at UCLA. Students may simultaneously enroll in no more than one UC host-campus course not to exceed 6 units. Before attending the host campus, both campuses must give approval. Approval to enroll simultaneously on another UC campus does not guarantee credit toward specific degree or general education requirements. Application of host-campus courses to UCLA graduation requirements is determined by the College or school. Details are on the application form. Obtain applications and directions for submitting forms from the following offices:

School of the Arts and Architecture
Office of Student Services, 2200 Broad Art Center
School of Education and Information Studies
Office of Student Services, 1002 Moore Hall
Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science
Office of Academic and Student Affairs, 6246 Boelter Hall
College of Letters and Science
Academic Advancement Program, 1209 Campbell Hall
College Academic Counseling, A316 Murphy Hall
College Honors Programs, A311 Murphy Hall
Student Athletics, Morgan Center
Herb Alpert School of Music
Office of Student Affairs, 1642 Schoenberg Music Building
School of Nursing
Student Affairs Office, 2-147 Factor Building
Meyer and Renee Luskin School of Public Affairs
Student Services Office, 3250 Public Affairs Building
Jonathan and Karin Fielding School of Public Health
Undergraduate Studies, 16-059 Center for Health Sciences
School of Theater, Film, and Television
Student Services Office, 103 East Melnitz Building

The application is also available on the Registrar’s simultaneous enrollment web page.