Details on fee payment, enrollment procedures, and deadlines are on the Registrar’s website.
Electronic Billing
BruinBill accounts are administered electronically (e-bill) through MyUCLA. Financial activity is displayed for the current term, as well as account activity for the last 24 months. Students can pay their BruinBill account electronically using an electronic check with no fee; or with American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA credit cards with a fee.
Annual Undergraduate Fees
Although the exact cost of attending UCLA varies, there are some fees that all UCLA students must pay. UCLA does not charge on a per-unit basis for undergraduate students in regular academic terms.
Each entering and readmitted student is required to submit a Statement of Legal Residence. Students classified as nonresidents of California must pay nonresident supplemental tuition in addition to registration fees. Legal residents of California are not required to pay nonresident supplemental tuition. For a definition of residence and nonresidence, see Residence for Tuition Purposes.
Student Services Fee
The Student Services Fee covers student expenses such as counseling, facilities, registration, graduation, and health services. The fee is charged whether or not students make use of these services.
Course Materials and Services Fees
The College of Letters and Science and each school are authorized to assess course materials and services fees. Some of these fees are assessed based on actual enrollment at the end of the fourth week of classes. Students are responsible for ensuring that all study list errors and omissions are corrected prior to the end of the second week. All students in a course with an approved course materials and services fee are assessed the fee, regardless of major. The fee is nonrefundable. Students who are approved to add a course after the third week of instruction are required to pay the course materials and services fee for the entire term.
Fee amounts are available on the Registrar’s course fees web page.
Instructional Enhancement Initiative Fee
The instructional enhancement initiative (IEI) fee supports technology in undergraduate education. The fee helps support course websites and online tools, computer laboratories, and software.
Miscellaneous Fees
Miscellaneous fees include charges for late registration fees payment. Late fees also apply if students file their study list late or do not pay BruinBill balances on time. Fees are charged if any check is returned by a bank for any reason. Charges are assessed for most petitions and other special requests. Study list, document and service, transcript-related, and degree and diploma fees are published on the Registrar’s website.
Student Health Insurance Fee
All undergraduate students are automatically assessed for and enrolled in the University of California Student Health Insurance Plan (UCSHIP) as a condition of registration at UCLA. Continued enrollment in a qualified health insurance plan is mandatory during all registered terms. UCSHIP covers medical, vision, dental, and behavioral health services.
The UCSHIP fee is billed each term along with other UCLA fees. UCSHIP fulfills all requirements mandated for a qualified health insurance plan as defined by the University of California. The Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center is the primary health-care provider for UCSHIP, and where all nonemergency medical care is initiated.
Nonregistered students (those who withdraw, or are on approved leave or planned academic leave) may have access to UCSHIP services under certain conditions. Contact the Ashe Center to learn more.
Students may waive UCSHIP if they maintain active enrollment in a qualified health insurance plan that meets all established requirements, apply for a waiver within established deadlines each term, and correctly complete the online waiver form. Students are responsible for providing complete and accurate information. Third-party individuals may not waive UCSHIP for a student. Waivers must be submitted before the term fees payment deadline. Deadlines are strictly enforced, and no refunds are issued after the deadline. For more information, see the Ashe insurance web page.
Fees Notice
All fees are subject to change without notice by the Regents. Current academic year fees and updated information is available on the Registrar’s fees web page.