Fee Refunds
Students who formally withdraw from UCLA may receive partial refunds of fees. For more information, see withdrawal in Policies and Regulations. Consult the Registrar’s refunds web page for policy details and specific refund deadlines for each term.
Fee Waiver Requests
Late registration, processing, and penalty fees are waivable on request in writing to the office assessing the fees only if they were incurred through the fault of UCLA, or because a student suffered sudden and debilitating injury or accident.
Reduced Fee Programs
UCLA recognizes the need for part-time study in special circumstances. Undergraduate resident students—when properly approved by the dean of their College/school for enrollment in 10 or fewer units—may be eligible for a one-half reduction in tuition. The reduction is based on total units enrolled as of Friday of the third week of classes. Students should contact their College or school for eligibility requirements. Students must file a fee reduction request with the academic dean’s office by Friday of the second week.
Except for these qualified and approved part-time students, there is no reduction in tuition, or in student services; Ackerman Student Union; Wooden Center; student programs, activities, and resources complex (SPARC); Undergraduate Students Association fees; or other campus-based fees.
Undergraduate nonresident students pay only half the nonresident supplemental tuition fee.
Full-time UC employees may apply for a reduction of tuition and the student services fee at their campus human resources office. Students who use the part-time fee reduction may not also use the UC employee reduction.