Students are considered transfer applicants if they have enrolled in a regular fall, winter, or spring session at another college or university or in college-level extension courses after completion of high school. (This does not include attending a summer session immediately following high school graduation.) Students may not disregard their college record and apply for admission as a freshman.
In accordance with the California Master Plan for Higher Education, first preference is given to California community college applicants. Each application receives a comprehensive evaluation, integrating all available information. Students attaining senior standing are generally not admitted.
Academic criteria are as follows: junior-level standing (60 semester/90 quarter transferable units completed) by the end of the spring term before transfer, grade-point average in transferable courses, significant preparation for the major, completion of the English composition and mathematics requirements, and progress toward completion of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), another UC campus general education requirements, or UCLA general education requirements.
Because admission requirements and selection criteria may change, transfer applicants should see transfer admission for the most complete and up-to-date information.
Undergraduate students registered in a regular session at any UC campus (or those previously registered who have not since registered at any other school) may apply for transfer to another campus. Submit the UC Application for Transfer Admission and Scholarships with the required application fees. The filing periods and admission requirements are the same as those for new applicants. Students who have attended another UC campus and wish to be considered for admission to UCLA must have been in good standing when they left their previous UC campus. Intercampus transfers are not automatic; students must compete with all other applicants and must meet UCLA transfer admission requirements.
UCLA awards unit credit to transfer students for certain courses completed at other regionally accredited colleges and universities. To be accepted for credit, the courses must be comparable to those offered by the University of California, as determined by Undergraduate Admission. All courses that meet the criteria are used in determining eligibility for admission.
To convert semester units into quarter units, multiply the semester units by 1.5. For example, 12 semester units × 1.5 = 18 quarter units.
College credit for examinations given by national testing services is generally not allowed, except for the AP Examinations given by the College Board and the International Baccalaureate higher-level examinations. See transfer credit for more information.