There are nine requirements that must be satisfied for award of a degree.
Students must complete for credit, with a passing grade, no fewer than 180 units and no more than 216 units, of which at least 64 units must be upper-division courses (numbered 100 through 199). Credit for upper-division tutorials numbered 195 through 199 is limited to a maximum of 8 units in a single term, and a maximum of 32 units total for a letter grade. Each major may have limitations on the number of upper-division tutorials and/or units that may be applied toward degree requirements.
A 2.0 (C) average is required in all work attempted at the University of California, exclusive of courses in UCLA Extension and those graded Passed/Not Passed. A 2.0 (C) grade-point average is also required in all upper-division courses in the major taken at the University of California, as well as in all courses applied toward the general education and UC requirements.
Students are in residence while enrolled and attending classes at UCLA with a declared major in the School of the Arts and Architecture. Of the last 45 units completed for the bachelor’s degree, 35 must be earned while in residence at the school. No more than 18 of the 35 units may be completed in UCLA Summer Sessions.
Courses offered by UCLA Extension may not be applied toward any part of the residence requirements.
Students may meet the foreign language requirement by scoring 3, 4, or 5 on the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) foreign language examination in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, or Spanish, or scoring 4 or 5 on the AP foreign language examination in Latin; for languages other than Spanish and Portuguese, presenting a UCLA foreign language proficiency examination score indicating competency through level two; or completing one college-level foreign language course equivalent to level two or above at UCLA with a grade of Passed or C or better. Students who want to meet the foreign language requirement with Spanish, and do not have a qualifying AP score, must enroll in Spanish 2. Students who want to meet the foreign language requirement with Portuguese, and do not have a qualifying AP score, must enroll in Portuguese 2. The foreign language requirement must be completed within the first six terms of enrollment.
International students may petition to use an advanced course in their native language for this requirement. Students whose entire secondary education has been completed in a language other than English may petition to be exempt from the foreign language requirement.
Courses that may be used to fulfill this requirement are published on the Registrar’s foreign language requirement web page and are available on the student Degree Audit.
Students are required to complete a minimum of 12 units of upper-division (100-level) nonmajor courses. Graduate (200-, 400-, and 500-level) courses may not be applied toward this requirement.
The diversity requirement is predicated on the notion that students in the arts must be trained to understand the local, national, and global realities in which they make, understand, interpret, and teach the arts. Those realities include the multicultural, transnational, and global nature of contemporary society. The requirement may be satisfied by taking courses in any of three parts of the student’s overall program: general education courses, courses in the major, or upper-division nonmajor elective courses. As such, students are not required to complete an additional course to satisfy the diversity requirement. Courses satisfying this requirement consider intergroup dynamics along with such social dimensions as race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic background, religion, sexual orientation, age, and disability; and are relevant to the understanding of these dynamics in contemporary society and culture in the U.S. and around the world.