- David P. Eisenman, MD, MSHS, in Residence
- Chandra L. Ford, PhD, MPH, MLIS
- Gilbert C. Gee, PhD
- Jessica D. Gipson, MPH, PhD (Fred H. Bixby Professor of Population Policy)
- Kimberly D. Gregory, MD, MPH, in Residence
- Robert J. Kim-Farley, MD, MPH, in Residence
- Randall S. Kuhn, PhD
- James A. Macinko, PhD
- Michael L. Prelip, DPA, MPH, CHES
- Michael A. Rodriguez, MD, MPH
- Dawn M. Upchurch, PhD, LAc
- Ondine S. von Ehrenstein, MPH, MS, PhD
- May C. Wang, MPH, DrPH
Professors Emeriti
- Deborah C. Glik, ScD
- Michael S. Goldstein, PhD
- Isabelle F. Hunt, DrPH, RD
- Marjorie Kagawa-Singer, PhD, MA, MN, RN
- Virginia C. Li, MPH, PhD
- Donald E. Morisky, ScD, MSPH, ScM
- Alfred K. Neumann, MD, MA, MPH, FABPM
- Charlotte G. Neumann, MD, MPH
- Anne R. Pebley, PhD (Fred H. Bixby Professor Emerita of Population Policy)
- Kimberley I. Shoaf, DrPH
- Judith M. Siegel, PhD, MSHyg
Associate Professors
- Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez, PhD
- Jessica D. Gipson, MPH, PhD
- Philip M. Massey, PhD, MPH
- May Sudhinaraset, PhD
- Courtney S. Thomas Tobin, PhD
- Jennifer A. Wagman, PhD, MHS
Assistant Professor
- Sean A. Darling-Hammond, JD, PhD
Adjunct Professors
- Diana M. Bontá, DrPH, RN
- Elizabeth D’Amico, PhD
- Sheba M. George, PhD
- Ronald J. Halbert, MD
- Ilan H. Meyer, PhD
- Wendelin M. Slusser, MD, MS
- Samuel J. Stratton, MD, MPH
- Paula A. Tavrow, PhD
- Deborah R. Young, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professors
- Alina H. Dorian, PhD
- Dena R. Herman, MPH, PhD, RD
- Cathy M. Lang, MPH, PhD
- Shira C. Shafir, PhD, MPH
Adjunct Assistant Professors
- Matthew R. Beymer, PhD, MPH
- Dana E. Hunnes, MPH, PhD, RD
- Natalie D. Muth, MD, MPH, RDN, FAAP
- Elizabeth Yzquierdo, MPH, EdD
Academic Administrator
- Sarah R. Blenner Uzan, JD, MPH