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Catalog 2024-25
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Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Faculty Roster
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Faculty Roster
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Faculty Roster
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Michael E. Alfaro, PhD
Priyanga A. Amarasekare, PhD
Paul H. Barber, PhD
Daniel T. Blumstein, PhD
Peggy M. Fong, PhD
Gregory F. Grether, PhD
David K. Jacobs, PhD
Nathan J.B. Kraft, PhD
James O. Lloyd-Smith, PhD
Kirk E. Lohmueller, PhD
Glen M. MacDonald, PhD
(Professor of California and the American West)
Peter N. Nonacs, PhD
Noa Pinter-Wollman, PhD
Lawren Sack, PhD
Van M. Savage, PhD
Barnett A. Schlinger, PhD
Karen E. Sears, PhD
H. Bradley Shaffer, PhD
Victoria L. Sork, PhD
Tina I. Treude, PhD
Professors Emeriti
Clifford F. Brunk, PhD
Martin L. Cody, PhD
Franz Engelmann, PhD
Arthur C. Gibson, PhD
Elma González, PhD
Malcolm S. Gordon, PhD
Patricia A. Gowaty, PhD
William M. Hamner, PhD
Henry A. Hespenheide, PhD
Stephen P. Hubbell, PhD
Kenneth A. Nagy, PhD
Peter M. Narins, PhD
Park S. Nobel, PhD
Philip W. Rundel, PhD
Thomas B. Smith, PhD
Charles E. Taylor, PhD
Richard R. Vance, PhD
Blaire Van Valkenburgh, PhD
(Donald R. Dickey Professor Emeritus of Vertebrate Biology)
Eduardo Zeiger, PhD
Cheryl Ann Zimmer, PhD
Richard K. Zimmer, PhD
Associate Professors
Morgan W. Tingley, PhD
Pamela J. Yeh, PhD
Felipe Zapata, PhD
Assistant Professors
Robert A. Eagle, PhD
Nandita R. Garud, PhD
Elsa M. Ordway, PhD
Lecturer SOE
Rachel L. Kennison, PhD
Leryn E. Gorlitsky, PhD
Tonya L. Kane, PhD
Alison J. Lipman, PhD
Adjunct Professors
Jon E. Keeley, PhD
Barbara J. Natterson, MD
Adjunct Associate Professors
Seth D. Riley, PhD
Xiaoming Wang, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professors
Anthony E.F. Baniaga, PhD
Benjamin Knowles, PhD
Brenda J. Larison, PhD
Jonathan D. Marcot, PhD
Debra M. Shier, PhD