College of Letters and Science
125 Hershey Hall
Box 957246
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7246
Integrative Biology and Physiology
Graduate Office, 310-825-5022
E-mail contact
Undergraduate Office, 310-825-3892
E-mail contact
The cornerstone of the Physiological Science curriculum is vertebrate physiology, with emphases on integrative functions. The research and educational programs of the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology focus on integrative physiology at several levels of organization from molecules to living organisms, microscopic structures to macroscopic organization, and cellular properties to organ functions. Students receive comprehensive instruction in all areas of physiological science, while elective courses reflect faculty research expertise, including developmental neurobiology, gene regulation/neural development, cellular neurobiology, molecular neurobiology, neuromuscular physiology, neuroendocrine physiology, cardiac physiology, diet and degenerative disease, auditory and visual behavior, biomechanics of rehabilitative medicine, muscle cell biology, inflammatory cell biology, vascular biology, cardiac electrophysiology, neuromotor control, and social control of neuronal plasticity.