(Same as Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences M235.) Lecture, three hours. Interaction of ocean biogeochemical cycles with physical climate system. Biogeochemical processes controlling carbon dioxide and oxygen in oceans and atmosphere over time-scales from few million years to several years. Anthropogenic perturbation of global carbon cycle and climate. Response of ocean … For more content click the Read More button below.
(Same as Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences M235.) Lecture, three hours. Interaction of ocean biogeochemical cycles with physical climate system. Biogeochemical processes controlling carbon dioxide and oxygen in oceans and atmosphere over time-scales from few million years to several years. Anthropogenic perturbation of global carbon cycle and climate. Response of ocean ecosystems to past and future global changes. Use of isotopes to study ocean biogeochemical cycles and climate. Interactions between biogeochemical cycles on land and in ocean. S/U or letter grading.