Lecture, three hours. Enforced requisite: satisfaction of Entry-Level Writing requirement or course 2 or 2I (C or better). Not open for credit to students with credit for course 3, 3DS, 3E, or 3SL. Rhetorical techniques and skillful argument, with focus on diversity and inclusiveness. Analysis of varieties of academic texts … For more content click the Read More button below.
Lecture, three hours. Enforced requisite: satisfaction of Entry-Level Writing requirement or course 2 or 2I (C or better). Not open for credit to students with credit for course 3, 3DS, 3E, or 3SL. Rhetorical techniques and skillful argument, with focus on diversity and inclusiveness. Analysis of varieties of academic texts and writing of minimum of 20 pages of revised prose. Completion of course with grade of C or better satisfies Writing I requirement. Letter grading.