Seminar, three hours; laboratory, three hours. Prior technical knowledge not required; technical assistance is available. Creation of individual original research projects in film/television history and analysis destined for audio-visual medium, finalized as high-resolutions DVDs. Projects may be extensions of research intended for print publication, dissertation chapters, conference presentations, teaching, etc. … For more content click the Read More button below.
Seminar, three hours; laboratory, three hours. Prior technical knowledge not required; technical assistance is available. Creation of individual original research projects in film/television history and analysis destined for audio-visual medium, finalized as high-resolutions DVDs. Projects may be extensions of research intended for print publication, dissertation chapters, conference presentations, teaching, etc. Equal emphasis on acquiring basic skills needed to create visual essays and on methods of research for this new form of scholarly research. Comparison of limits and advantages of print versus audio-visual publication. Use of Adobe Production Suite. Letter grading.