Lecture, three hours. Recommended requisite: course C430 or 431. Instruction in identification and application of specialized narrative tools common to screenplays. Students view and analyze well-known films that employ these devices to significant and enduring effect. Students also read screenplays (or portions thereof) of these films to analyze how screenwriters … For more content click the Read More button below.
Lecture, three hours. Recommended requisite: course C430 or 431. Instruction in identification and application of specialized narrative tools common to screenplays. Students view and analyze well-known films that employ these devices to significant and enduring effect. Students also read screenplays (or portions thereof) of these films to analyze how screenwriters convey each device in written form. Students write original scenes and/or synopses that demonstrate their practical mastery of these tools as they relate to their own development as screenwriters. S/U or letter grading.