Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisite: Computer Science 31 or 32 or Program in Computing 10A or 10B with grade of C+ or better. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have made rapid progress in recent years on various fronts. Many of their advanced techniques are being transferred to number of domains such as business, transportation, medicine, advertisement, military operations, and social media, and aiding our decision making, planning, reasoning, and forecasting. Review of origin and modern development of artificial intelligence and its recent breakthroughs through many applications with special emphasis on its usages of media industry, e.g., personalization, recommendation, and targeted advertising. Covers its technical merits as well as controversies such as ethical and moral issues of AI, privacy concerns in data collection, and fair use of AI in general. Prior knowledge in mathematics, statistics, or computer science not required. Discussion of elementary technical details as course unfolds. Letter grading.