(Formerly numbered 134.) Lecture, two hours; discussion, one hour. Survey of characteristics and related educational needs of students (preschool through high school) who vary in mental, physical, psychological, and social characteristics. Focus on disabilities, with exploration in area of gift/talented education. Emphasis on inclusion, and legal, social, and philosophical issues … For more content click the Read More button below.
(Formerly numbered 134.) Lecture, two hours; discussion, one hour. Survey of characteristics and related educational needs of students (preschool through high school) who vary in mental, physical, psychological, and social characteristics. Focus on disabilities, with exploration in area of gift/talented education. Emphasis on inclusion, and legal, social, and philosophical issues associated with it. Students learn perspectives from disability studies and engage in class activities designed to challenge students to put inclusion into practice. Students develop understanding of various areas and exceptionalities of special education with emphasis on role of student special needs in context of general education settings. Letter grading.