Lecture, two hours; activity, two hours; outside study, eight hours. Requisites: courses 20A, 20B, 20C, 110A, 120A, 120B, 120C. Preparation of music education students for teaching music at preschool and elementary school levels. Development of understanding of developmental characteristics, diverse cultures, and learning needs of children and design of effective … For more content click the Read More button below.
Lecture, two hours; activity, two hours; outside study, eight hours. Requisites: courses 20A, 20B, 20C, 110A, 120A, 120B, 120C. Preparation of music education students for teaching music at preschool and elementary school levels. Development of understanding of developmental characteristics, diverse cultures, and learning needs of children and design of effective instructional strategies that are age-appropriate and responsive to children’s background. Focus on practice of student-centered curriculum where students are active learners and teachers are facilitators to become proficient in providing children with music learning environment that is conducive to optimal growth in their musicality and creativity. Frequent field visits. Letter grading.