(Formerly numbered Labor Studies 182A.) Lecture, three hours. Introduction to field of oral history and its role in social movements. Students receive hands-on experience through independent fieldwork where they design, execute, and process oral history research project on contemporary topics such as immigration, work, housing, incarceration, and social movements. Through … For more content click the Read More button below.
(Formerly numbered Labor Studies 182A.) Lecture, three hours. Introduction to field of oral history and its role in social movements. Students receive hands-on experience through independent fieldwork where they design, execute, and process oral history research project on contemporary topics such as immigration, work, housing, incarceration, and social movements. Through reading and discussion students learn oral history methods and theory along with ethical approaches to working with human subjects. Emphasis on innovative uses of oral history interviews that bring silenced voices to wide public audience for social justice outcomes. No prior knowledge or experience with interviewing and processing required. P/NP or letter grading.