Tutorial, six to 12 hours. Preparation: submission of written proposal outlining study or research to be undertaken due to undergraduate adviser for department approval. Studies to involve laboratory research, not primarily literature surveys or library research. Proposal to be developed in consultation with instructor. Limited to juniors/seniors. Department majors may … For more content click the Read More button below.
Tutorial, six to 12 hours. Preparation: submission of written proposal outlining study or research to be undertaken due to undergraduate adviser for department approval. Studies to involve laboratory research, not primarily literature surveys or library research. Proposal to be developed in consultation with instructor. Limited to juniors/seniors. Department majors may enroll with sponsorship from department faculty members or preapproved outside faculty members. Other juniors/seniors may enroll only with department faculty sponsors. Supervised individual research under guidance of faculty mentor. At end of term culminating paper describing progress of project and signed by student and instructor must be presented to department. May be repeated for credit. Individual contract required. Letter grading.