Lecture, one hour; discussion, one hour; laboratory, three hours. Requisites: Civil and Environmental Engineering M20 or Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering M20 or Computer Science 31, and Electrical and Computer Engineering 100, or equivalent. Project-based hands-on introduction to basic and advanced concepts involved in development of projects using microcontrollers for projects in robotics and motion, light and sound, sensing and data acquisition, signal amplification and filtering, communication with specialty integrated circuits, and computer interface using Java-based processing language. Uses of Arduino platform to explore digital and analog input/output, SPI and I2C, interrupts, timing, use and writing of software libraries, and other advanced topics. Students construct and analyze first-order passive filters, operational amplifier (op-amp) circuits, and related material to equip them to make creative software and hardware projects, as well as develop their own instrumentation for subsequent laboratory or design work. Project-based homework has small theory component. Includes final design project. Letter grading.