The Mathematics of Computation major is for mathematics students who have a secondary interest in computing.
Learning Outcomes
Current UCLA students need to apply for the Mathematics of Computation major by filing a petition with the Student Services Office in 6356 Mathematical Sciences. All students are identified as Mathematics of Computation premajors until they satisfy the following minimum requirements for the major: (1) achieve grades of C or better in all premajor mathematics sequenced courses (Mathematics 31A or 31AL, 31B, 32A, 32B, 33A, 33B), (2) achieve a minimum 2.5 grade-point average in the calculus sequence with no more than two repeats, (3) complete one 12-unit term in residence in regular session at UCLA, (4) be enrolled in UCLA regular session at the time of application, and (5) file a petition to declare the major before completing 160 quarter units.
Students entering UCLA directly from high school or first-term transfer students who want to declare the Mathematics of Computation premajor at the time they apply for admission are automatically admitted to the premajor.
Required: Mathematics 31A or 31AL, 31B, 32A, 32B, 33A, 33B, 61, Physics 1A, 1B, Program in Computing 10A, 10B, 10C, and one course from Chemistry and Biochemistry 20A, 20B, Physics 1C.
Each course must be taken for a letter grade. The mathematics sequenced courses (Mathematics 31A or 31AL, 31B, 32A, 32B, 33A, 33B) are calculated separately from the other preparation for the major courses and must be completed with a minimum overall 2.5 grade-point average and a grade of C or better in each course. The other preparation courses must be completed with a minimum overall 2.0 grade-point average and a grade of C- or better in each course.
Repetition of more than two mathematics sequenced courses or of any mathematics sequenced course more than once results in automatic dismissal from the major.
To enter the major, students must petition after they have completed the six sequenced courses with a 2.5 minimum overall grade-point average, have completed one 12-unit term in residence in regular session at UCLA, are enrolled in UCLA regular session at the time of application, and before completing 160 quarter units.
Transfer applicants to the Mathematics of Computation major with 90 or more units must complete as many of the following introductory courses as possible prior to admission to UCLA: two years of calculus for majors, one discrete structures course, two calculus-based physics courses, three programming courses, and one course from general chemistry for majors or calculus-based physics.
Refer to the UCLA transfer admission guide for up-to-date information regarding transfer selection for admission.
After satisfying the preparation for the major requirements, students need to petition to enter the major at the Student Services Office after completing one 12-unit term in residence in regular session at UCLA, and while enrolled in UCLA regular session at the time of application.
Required: Eleven Mathematics Department courses, including Mathematics 115A, 131A, 131B or 132, 151A, 151B, and six courses from 106 through 199 and Statistics 100A through 101C; three upper-division computer science courses (12 units).
Mathematics 115A is required of all majors and is intended to be the first upper-division course taken. It is strongly advised that students take Mathematics 115A as soon as the major is declared, if not earlier.
Each course must be taken for a letter grade. The 14 courses must be completed with a minimum overall grade-point average of 2.0, with grades of C- or better in Mathematics 115A and 131A.
Students who wish to graduate with departmental honors should apply for admission to the honors program in the Student Services Office. They may apply any time after completing four courses from the calculus sequence or from upper-division mathematics courses with an overall grade-point average of 3.6 or better. The program entails taking a specified sequence of courses as part of the major requirements, completing an approved seminar offered by the Mathematics Department or submitting an original research project, and earning an overall GPA of at least 3.6 in approved upper-division and graduate mathematics courses.
Students completing the program are awarded honors at graduation; if they demonstrate exceptional achievement (i.e., at least a 3.8 GPA in upper-division mathematics courses taken for the major), they are awarded highest honors. Contact the department for more information.