Capstone Major
The Nordic Studies major is a designated capstone major. Under the guidance of faculty members, students are required to devise, research, and complete either a substantial research paper, film/video, or a website that reflects significant engagement with a challenging question in the realm of Nordic studies. Through their capstone work, … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning Outcomes
Demonstrated commanded of the linguistic and cultural diversity of the Nordic region
Demonstrated command of the economics, politics, environments, and histories of the Nordic region
Demonstrated specific skills and expertise, including research, analysis, and writing
Demonstrated understanding of the role of the Nordic region in global context, and the impact of global phenomena on the region
Identification, evaluation, and analysis of appropriate primary sources
Working knowledge of scholarly discourse from broad range of disciplines
Conception and execution of a project that identifies and engages with a specialized topic
Engagement with peers through presentation, discussion, and critique of student work