The major combines the basic courses of the general linguistics program with that of East Asian languages and cultures. Students are able to study the civilizations of China, Korea, Japan, and India; and enrich their knowledge about the nature, grammar, and history of human language at the same time.
Entry to the Major
Transfer applicants to the Linguistics and Asian Languages and Cultures major with 90 or more units must complete as many of the following introductory courses as possible prior to admission to UCLA: two years of either Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, one introduction to linguistics course, one cultural anthropology course, one Chinese, Japanese, or Korean civilization course, and one year of a second foreign language.
Refer to the UCLA transfer admission guide for up-to-date information regarding transfer selection for admission.
Major Requirements
Preparation for the Major
Foreign Language
The Major
Required Linguistics Courses
Upper-Division Elective
Honors Program
Linguistics 198A and 198B
Computing Specialization
Introduction to Computing
Program in Computing
Linguistics 185A and Mathematics 61
Additional Linguistics Elective
Linguistics 20 must be passed with a letter grade of C or better prior to beginning upper-division coursework in the major.
Students who complete an advanced upper-division language course are considered to have completed the equivalent of whatever courses are requisite to that advanced language course (e.g., if students complete German 152, they have automatically satisfied the requirement of the sixth level of work in German).
A 2.0 grade-point average in linguistics courses is required for the major.