The minor is intended to expose students to the entire data science life cycle from both foundational and application perspectives. The foundational courses provide the engineering skills to collect, cleanse, and store data; analyze and draw inference from data; and take action and make decisions. A wide-ranging list of interdisciplinary courses focuses on various data-science applications using these skills.
Entry to the Minor
To apply for the minor, students must have an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or better, have completed or be in the process of completing in the present quarter the two lower-division required courses with the grade B- or better, and file a petition through Message Center. Steps to apply are outlined on the Office of Academic and Student Affairs website. Information about the minor and the application are available on the minor website.
Minor Requirements
The Minor
Required Lower-Division Courses (8 units)
Required Upper-Division Courses (12 units minimum)
Data Science
Data Mining or Machine Learning
Elective Upper-Division Courses (8 units minimum)
Variable topics courses may be taken as topics apply.
Transfer credit for any of the above is subject to approval; consult with the undergraduate counselors before enrolling in any courses for the minor.
A minimum of 20 units applied toward the minor requirements must be in addition to units applied toward major requirements or another minor.
Each minor course must be taken for a letter grade, and student must have a minimum grade of C in each and an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better in the minor. Successful completion of the minor is indicated on the transcript and diploma.