The mechanical engineering program is designed to provide basic knowledge in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, solid mechanics, mechanical design, dynamics, control, mechanical systems, manufacturing, and materials. The program includes fundamental subjects important to all mechanical engineers.
The mechanical engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
Capstone Major
The Mechanical Engineering major is a designated capstone major. Within their capstone courses, Mechanical Engineering students work in teams to propose, design, analyze, and build a mechanical or electromechanical device. Graduates should be able to apply their knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in technical systems; design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs; function as productive members of a team; identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems; and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
Major Requirements
Preparation for the Major
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering M20 or Computer Science 31
The Major
Required Courses
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 131A or 133A
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 183A or M183B
Departmental Breadth Courses
Technical Breadth Courses
Capstone Design
Major Field Electives
List of technical breadth courses available in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.
For information on UC, school, and general education requirements, see the Samueli school section in College and Schools.