The Labor Studies minor augments study in a traditional field. Students are required to complete both a departmental major and this minor. The faculty adviser certifies completion of the program.
Entry to the Minor
To enter the minor, students must be in good academic standing, have a 2.5 grade-point average or better, have completed 45 units, and file a petition and meet with the faculty adviser and minor coordinator in 9244 Bunche Hall, 310-206-0812. Students are encouraged to meet early with the academic adviser to declare the minor and design a coherent program of coursework.
Minor Requirements
The Minor
Core (4 units)
Required Elective Courses (24 units minimum)
Students may petition, prior to enrollment in the course, to apply other topical courses with substantial labor-related studies content.
A minimum of 20 units applied toward the minor requirements must be in addition to units applied toward major requirements or another minor.
Each minor course must be taken for a letter grade, and students must have a minimum grade of C (2.0) in each and an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better in the minor. Successful completion of the minor is indicated on the transcript and diploma.